
Find out when is the best time to jog and burn those calories!

Making time from hectic schedules for a good work out is often a challenge, and one would naturally want to make the most out of that precious time set aside. When it comes to the best times to go for runs, the debate is a heated one. Whether it’s the early hours of morning, in the mid—day, evening or night, you’ll always find someone running on the foot path or pavements around your estate. Which is truly the optimal time for running?

A sizeable crowd prefers to exercise in the cool morning hours before an invigorating shower that makes them more energetic and ready for work. It may, therefore, come as a surprise that morning is in fact not the best time to exercise. There are studies that say that your body condition is at its worst. You struggle to crawl out of bed, and your muscles are stiff. You’re likely hungry or feeling weak. You’re also more prone to injury, especially if you’re not focusing well due to sleepiness. However, if you manage to summon the energy, keep up the good work, for it is excellent training for mental willpower!

During the mid-to-late afternoon, it is a different matter. Around 4 pm to 5 pm, your body temperature is at its highest. Your muscles are suppler compared to in the morning. You’ll find that you can manage faster running speeds and more challenging terrain. A study by Dr Boris lVledarov of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York supports this with findings indicating that lung function is more than six percent better in the afternoon than at other times during the day.

Lunch-time runs are becoming more popular in the commercial business district as once-sedentary office workers begin to appreciate the importance of exercise. Remember how it often feels like a good time to take a nap after lunch? Well, afternoon runs are definitely a good way to break up the monotony of work, and you come back feeling refreshed and more productive. Just don’t forget the sun-block as the sun rays are most intense at this time.

For those who jog at night, this might be your perfect me-time as you clear your mind, or reflect on how the day went. However, if the night is colder, that may create greater resistance for your muscles. Furthermore, plants and trees take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide in the dark, so you may have a competitor for fresh air. Safety issues are also a concern. So, make sure you wear bright clothes visible to oncoming vehicles and pedestrians. Also, avoid running in deserted places where you may fall victim to crime.

Everyone has different needs, schedules and preferences. It is best for you to try out for yourself, run at different times and decide which feels best for you. Regardless when is truly the best time to run, exercise at any time beats none at all!

– This article first appeared in a lifestyle magazine